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Low back pain, which is commonly known as “backache“, is a condition that affects the lumbar segment of the spine. It manifests with pain, which is often very intense, and limited movements.

Back pain is a condition of the dorsal segment of the spine (the central/upper region) that manifests with constant pain, and is often described as a feeling of heaviness and muscular tension.

Between one vertebra and another of the spine we find the intervertebral disk with a shock absorbing function.
If the stress experienced is too intense or if the disk has degenerated, an expelled herniated disk can develop or even small protrusions.

This degenerative condition affects the joints. It initially concerns articular cartilage, causing alterations, and then involves all the other structures that form a joint.

This skeletal condition manifests with reduced bone mass and resistance due to abnormally low levels of minerals.

After a spinal injury, pharmacological therapy is often combined with conservative treatment with the corset.

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